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  • Oglądasz wypowiedzi wyszukane dla słów: Power Generation

    Temat: Czego słuchaliśmy we wrześniu...
    Ryan Adams GOLD
    Fiona Apple TIDAL
    Basement Jaxx KISH KASH
    The Beatles SERGEANT PEPPER'S...
    Black Box Recorder THE FACTS OF LIFE
    Robert Bradley's Blackwater Surprise TIME TO DISCOVER
    Terry Callier TIMEPEACE
    The Charlatans TELLIN' STORIES
    Holly Cole Trio DON'T SMOKE IN BED
    John Coltrane GIANT STEPS
    Corduroy DAD MAN CAT
    Cathal Coughlan THE SKY'S AWFUL BLUE
    Doktor Granat ŚWIADKOWIE ROCKA
    Mark Eitzel CAUGHT IN A TRAP...
    Elektryczne Gitary SŁODKA MASKA
    Elysian Fields BLEED YOUR CEDAR
    Bela Fleck & The Flecktones UFO TOFU
    Gluecifer BASEMENT APES
    Guided by Voices BEE THOUSAND
    The High Llamas GIDEON GAYE
    Kid Rock COCKY
    Wojciech Kilar MISSA PRO PACE
    King Black Acid and The Womb Star Orchestra WOMB STAR SESSION
    The Legendary Jim Ruiz Group OH BROTHER WHERE ART THOU?
    The Lounge Lizards VOICE OF CHUNK
    Main HYDRA - CALM
    The Mars Volta THE TREMULANT EP
    Van Morrison BACK ON TOP
    Mull Historical Society LOSS
    My Bloody Valentine ISN'T IT ANYTHING; LOVELESS
    Pretenders THE ISLE OF VIEW
    Prince & The New Power Generation DIAMONDS AND PEARLS
    Lou Reed NEW YORK
    The Replacements TIM
    Damien Rice O
    Sunny Day Real Estate THE RISING TIDE
    Billy Bob Thornton PRIVATE RADIO
    To Rococo Rot THE AMATEUR VIEW
    A Tribe Called Quest THE ANTHOLOGY
    Uncle Tupelo ANODYNE
    Unforscene PACIFIC HEIGHTS
    Sadao Watanabe FILL UP THE NIGHT


    Yann Tiersen AMELIA
    Don Was BACKBEAT
    Mark Adler FOCUS
    Simon Boswell HARDWARE
    Richard Robbins HOWARDS END
    Stuart Matthewman JACKPOT / TWIN FALLS IDAHO
    Folk Implosion KIDS
    Trevor Jones / Randy Edelman THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS
    Henri Seroka U PANA BOGA ZA PIECEM

    Przeglądaj resztę wypowiedzi z tematu

    Temat: Bilans
    -The first battalion of the new Iraqi Army has graduated and is on
    active duty.

    -Over 60,000 Iraqis now provide security to their fellow citizens.

    -Nearly all of Iraq's 400 courts are functioning.

    -The Iraqi judiciary is fully independent.

    -On Monday, October 6, power generation hit 4,518 megawatts-exceeding
    the prewar average.

    -All 22 universities and 43 technical institutes and colleges are open,
    as are nearly all primary and secondary schools.

    -By October 1, Coalition forces had rehabilitated over 1,500
    schools-500 more than scheduled.

    -Teachers earn from 12 to 25 times their former salaries.

    -All 240 hospitals and more than 1200 clinics are open.

    -Doctors salaries are at least eight times what they were under

    -Pharmaceutical distribution has gone from essentially nothing to 700
    tons in May to a current total of 12,000 tons.

    -The Coalition has helped administer over 22 million vaccinations to
    Iraq's children.

    -A Coalition program has cleared over 14,000 kilometers of Iraq's
    27,000 kilometers of weed-choked canals, which now irrigate tens of
    thousands of farms. This project has created jobs for more than 100,000
    Iraqi men and women.

    -We have restored over three-quarters of prewar telephone services and
    over two-thirds of the potable water production.

    -There are 4,900 full-service telephone connections. We expect 50,000
    by year-end.

    -The wheels of commerce are turning. From bicycles to satellite dishes
    to cars and trucks, businesses are coming to life in all major cities
    and towns.

    -95 percent of all prewar bank customers have service and first-time
    customers are opening accounts daily.

    -Iraqi banks are making loans to finance businesses.

    -The central bank is fully independent.

    -Iraq has one of the world's most growth-oriented investment and
    banking laws.

    -Iraq has a single, unified currency for the first time in 15 years.

    -Satellite TV dishes are legal.

    -Foreign journalists aren't on 10-day visas paying mandatory and
    extortionate fees to the Ministry of Information for "minders" and other
    government spies.

    -There is no Ministry of Information.

    -There are more than 170 newspapers.

    -You can buy satellite dishes on what seems like every street corner.

    -Foreign journalists (and everyone else) are free to come and go.

    -A nation that had not one single element-legislative, judicial or
    executive-of a representative government, now does.

    -In Baghdad alone, residents have selected 88 advisory councils.
    Baghdad's first democratic transfer of power in 35 years happened when
    the city council elected its new chairman.

    -Today in Iraq, chambers of commerce, business, school and professional
    organizations are electing their leaders all over the country.

    -25 ministers, selected by the most representative governing body in
    Iraq's history, run the day-to-day business of government.

    -The Iraqi government regularly participates in international events.
    Since July, the Iraqi government has been represented in over two dozen
    international meetings, including those of the UN General Assembly, the
    Arab League, the World Bank and IMF and, today, the Islamic Conference
    Summit. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs today announced that it is
    reopening over 30 Iraqi embassies around the world.

    -Shia religious festivals that were all but banned aren't.

    -For the first time in 35 years, in Karbala, thousands of Shiites
    celebrate the pilgrimage of the 12th Imam.

    -The Coalition has completed over 13,000 reconstruction projects, large
    and small, as part of a strategic plan for the reconstruction of Iraq.

    -Uday and Queasy are dead-and no longer feeding innocent Iraqis to the
    zoo lions, raping the young daughters of local leaders to force
    cooperation, torturing Iraq's soccer players for losing games, or
    murdering critics.

    -Children aren't imprisoned or murdered when their parents disagree
    with the government.

    -Political opponents aren't imprisoned, tortured, executed, maimed, or
    are forced to watch their families die for disagreeing with Saddam.

    -Millions of longsuffering Iraqis no longer live in perpetual terror.

    -Saudis will hold municipal elections.

    -Qatar is reforming education to give more choices to parents.

    -Jordan is accelerating market economic reforms.

    -Saddam is gone.

    -Iraq is free.
    Przeglądaj resztę wypowiedzi z tematu

    Temat: opłacani z budżetu prowincji (minimum 100 tysięcy)
    opłacani z budżetu prowincji (minimum 100 tysięcy)
    Lista zamożnych coraz dłuższa

    Tę listę publikuje się co roku - umieszczone są na niej nazwiska
    osób, które zarabiają minimum 100 tysięcy dolarów i są opłacane z
    budżetu prowincji. Na "sunshine list'' można też znaleźć dokładne
    ich zarobki.

    Generalnie okazało się, że lista rośnie - w 2007 roku znalazło się
    na niej o 24 proc. więcej nazwisk niż rok wcześniej - 42.000, o 8000
    więcej niż rok wcześniej.

    Od 2005 roku na liście pojawiło się 14.000 nowych nazwisk.

    Kim są ci szczęśliwcy? Pracownicy rządu, korporacji rządowych, władz
    miejskich, szpitali, uczelni.

    Najwięcej w 2007 roku zarobił szef Ontario Municipal Employees
    Retirement System Paul Haggis - 2,2 mln dol. Do tego otrzymał
    jeszcze świadczenia socjalne o wartości 10.000 dol.

    Jim Hankinson, dyrektor Ontario Power Generation, zajął drugie
    miejsce z pensją 1,7 miliona dol. i świadczeniami socjalnymi o
    wartości 7.500 dol.

    Doskonale radzi sobie pod względem wysokich zarobków sektor
    energetyki. Z niego wywodzi się ponad 8000 nazwisk na liście, o 1000
    więcej w stosunku do 2006 roku.

    Największy wzrost zanotowano w grupie pracowników aparatu władz
    lokalnych - 41 proc.

    Inny mocny sektor to służba zdrowia - 4100 nazwisk, o 1000 więcej
    niż w 2005 roku.

    Dyrektor torontońskiego szpitala Mount Sinai Joseph Mapa, zarobił
    616.000 dol.

    Mimo krytycznych uwag lidera torysów ontaryjskich Johna Tory'ego,
    który ostatnio bardzo skrytykował nadmiernie rozwiniętą i niewiele
    robiącą grupę urzędników rządowych, premier Ontario Dalton McGuinty
    podkreśla, że Ontario ma bardzo efektywnie działającą armię
    urzędników, drugą najbardziej efektywnie działającą w całej Kanadzie.

    I jeszcze coś - na głowę mieszkańca Ontario ma najniższą liczbę
    rządowych urzędników w Kanadzie!

    McGuinty podkreśla, że zatrudniono pielęgniarki, nauczycieli,
    lekarzy, ponieważ były poważne ich braki. Nikogo z nich nie można
    uznać za niepotrzebnych.

    Lider Opozycji Bob Runciman uważa, że to niepokojące, że najwięcej
    miejsc pracy powstaje w sektorze publicznym. To robota liberałów i
    duży błąd w obliczu zwolnienia gospodarki i nadchodzącej recesji.

    A jak sytuacja "100-tysięczników" wygląda w Toronto?

    Liczba pracowników ratusza, którzy zarabiają ponad 100.000 dol.
    wzrosła o 47 proc. od ubiegłego roku.

    Według danych opublikowanych przez dziennik "Toronto Sun", takich
    pracowników, którzy znaleźli się na "sunshine list"
    miasto zatrudnia 955.

    Są to pracownicy Exhibition Place, Toronto Zoo, Toronto Police
    Service, TTC i St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts.

    Najwięcej zarabia osoba piastująca stanowisko "Toronto city
    manager", czyli szef administracji miejskiej Shirley Hoy, której
    zarobki wyniosły 322.000 dol.

    Główny menedżer TTC Gary Webster zarobił prawie 274.000, a szef
    policji Toronto Bill Blair - 270.000 dol.

    Przeglądaj resztę wypowiedzi z tematu

    Temat: budget 2006 - Kraju III Swiata - Kanada !!
    Zlodzieje z Ontario Hydro - pol5 klaska uszami
    Some of Ontario's biggest power users say the provincial electricity utility
    should give back the $181 million in profit it made over the summer at their

    Roughly half the refund — about $90 million — would go to residential consumers,
    the Association of Major Power Consumers of Ontario said yesterday.

    The corporate power users say soaring electricity rates are contributing to job
    losses and plant closings, particularly in the chemical and forestry sectors.

    In addition to the refund, they want the province to fully cap Ontario Power
    Generation's rates for three more years.

    "There is absolutely no justification for OPG to earn such high profits," said
    Mike Kuriychuk, chair of the industry association, whose members include Ford of
    Canada, Inco Ltd. and Dofasco Inc.

    "We don't mind paying the cost of power but these profits demonstrate we're
    paying more than the cost of power," said Adam White, the association's president.

    At least two electro-chemical companies, CXY Chemicals and Erco Worldwide, have
    moved their operations out of Ontario because of rising rates, the association
    said, and several forestry companies have cited hydro as one factor in job
    losses and plant closings in their industry.

    Provincial Energy Minister Donna Cansfield defended OPG's profits in the
    Legislature yesterday, saying everyone benefits because the money is used to
    help pay down its predecessor's $20.9 billion debt and upgrade power facilities.

    Energy Probe spokesperson Tom Adams called the industry association's demand for
    a refund short-sighted. "The money does come back to consumers in the form of
    debt reduction."

    But Adams said he shares corporate Ontario's concerns about what will happen to
    electricity rates if the government goes ahead with plans to fully deregulate
    OPG by April.

    The former Ontario Hydro still controls 65 to 70 per cent of the province's
    electricity market.

    "We could see a tremendous increase in prices to consumers," he warned. "We want
    to see OPG regulated because we're concerned about its spending habits."

    OPG spokesperson John Earl defended the utility's profit, saying it's the only
    utility in the province that is required to provide consumers with a rebate. It
    needs the income to invest in future expansion and its return on equity so far
    this year has been just 5 per cent.

    "We are a commercial company and we have a responsibly to act like one."

    OPG reported the unusual profit last Thursday, noting that it was the product of
    a long, hot summer and skyrocketing fuel prices.

    This is also the first year the former monopoly has operated in a partially
    deregulated market.

    OPG produced 4.2 per cent more power in the three months ended Sept. 30 compared
    with the year-earlier period. But the price it received for that power jumped 35
    per cent to an average of 5.4 cents a kilowatt hour from 4 cents/kwh the
    previous summer. However, that price was still well below the spot market rate
    for electricity, which averaged 8.6 cents/kwh over the summer, OPG noted. Przeglądaj resztę wypowiedzi z tematu

    Temat: tytuły piosenek -temat basketball
    Davis Alana: Turtle

    Alkaholiks: Hip Hop Drunkies

    Andy: Memories

    Apollo 440: Raw Power

    Arrogant Worms: Me Like Hockey

    Artificial Joy Club: Sick and Beautiful

    Bacon Brothers: Guess Again

    B.G.: Rollin' Raw

    Barenaked Ladies: Ed's Uncle Elwyn

    Beanie Siegel f / Jay-Z: Raw and Uncut

    Bif Naked: My Bike

    Big Punisher f / Tommy Sunshine: Mamma

    Blade: Come On

    Blaque: Can't Trust Myself

    The Boyz: I Want You Back

    Kobe Bryant f / Tyra Banks : K.O.B.E.

    Busta Rhymes: The Heist

    Cam'Ron: Rockin' And Rollin'

    Aaron Carter: Never Too Young, Never Too Old

    Cheech and Chong: Earache My Eye

    Paula Cole: Bethlehem

    Corky and the Juice Pigs: Basketball Ass

    Corky and the Juicy Pigs: Pandas

    Billy Ray Cyrus: Busy Man

    D-12 f / Dina Rea: Pimp Like Me

    Bern Dan: No Missing Link

    Dave Holister: Can't Stay

    Dead Mikmen: Now Everybody's Me

    Dead Prez: Score

    Deftones: Wicked

    Dog Eat Dog: Sore Loser

    Drag On f / P Killer Trackz: Click Click Clack

    Dynamite Hack: Today Is A Good Day

    Dynamite Hack: Boyz N The Hood

    E-40 f / Suga T: Lace Me Up

    The Fugees: Living Like There Ain't Tomorrow

    Fun Loving Criminals: Bear Hug

    House of Pain: Punch Drunk

    House of Pain: Work Is Bond

    House of Pain: X-Files

    I Mother Earth: Basketball

    Janis Ian: Seventeen

    Michael Jackson: Superfly Sister

    Michael Jackson f / Shaquille O'Neal: 2Bad

    Jagged Edge: Head of Household

    Jay-Z: Anything

    Jay-Z: H to the Izzo

    Jay-Z f / Sean Paul: What They Gonna Do

    Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince: Summertime

    Elton John: Mona Lisa and Mad Hatters Part II

    John Q. Public: Preacher's Kid

    Krs-One: Represent the Real Hip Hop

    Korn: Ear Ache My Eye

    Kottenmouth Kings: Frontline

    Lil' Flip: I Shoulda Listened

    Lil Romeo: My Baby

    Lil Romeo: 2 Way

    LL Cool Jay: Around The Way Girl

    Lyte Funkie Ones: Summer Girls

    Mario: Put Me On

    Marvelous 3: #27

    Ian Mathews: Shake It

    Master P f / Afficial: Roll How We Roll

    John Mellencamp: Rooty Toot Toot

    Method Man and Redman: Y.O.U.

    Mr T Experience: I Just Wanna Do It With You

    Nas: Project Window

    Nelly: Country Grammar

    Nelly: Greed, Hate, Envy

    Nelly: Say Now

    New Power Generation (NPG): Cherry Cherry

    Nuts Can Surf: Cysco

    Shaquille O'Neal: Fiend -98

    Shaquille O'Neal: 48 @ The Buzzer

    Shaquille O'Neal: Pool Jam

    Shaquille O'Neal: You Can't Stop The Reign

    Shaquille O' Neal f / Peter Gunz: It Was All A Dream

    Shaquille O' Neal f / Phife Dawg: Where Ya At

    Outkast: D.E.E.P.

    Pharoahe Monche: Queens

    Piglets: Johnny Reggae

    Poetic Ammo: Approximate Detonation

    Prefab Sprout: I Never Play Basketball Now

    Prince: Style

    Princess Superstar: CEO

    Project Wize: Erica

    Public Enemy: I Stand Accused

    Redman f / Lady Luck: Come And Get It

    Romanovsky and Phillips: Outfield Blues

    Roots f / Dice Raw: Ain't Saying Nothin New

    Roots f / Dice Raw and Beanie Siegel: Adrenaline!

    Adam Sandler: Moyda

    Adam Sandler: Red Hooded Sweatshirt

    Adam Sandler: 7 Foot Man

    Saw Doctors: All The Way From Tuam

    702: Steelo

    Sesame Street: Four

    Sesame Street: Oscar's 'B' Sandwich

    Sesame Street: Tall Short Texan

    Shaggy: Why Me Lord

    Small Fred: Annie

    Will Smith: "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" Theme Song

    Will Smith: Gettin' Jiggy Wit It

    Will Smith and Jazzy Jeff: Boom! Shake the Room

    Snoop Doggy Dog: Tear 'Em Off, Me And My Doggz

    Fredro Starr: What If

    Ray Stevens: The Streak

    Sticky Fingaz: What If I was White

    Sugarhill Band: Rappers Delight

    SWV f / Snoop Doggy Dog: Gettin' Funky

    Taryn and Arianne: Dream

    Ali Tatyana: Dreamin'

    Third Eye Blond: An Ode To Maybe

    311: Jackolantern's Weather

    Throwing Muses: Backroad

    Too $hort: Cusswords

    Too $hort f / Ant Banks MC Breed: Givin Up The Funk

    Toucher: Y.M.C.A.

    A Tribe Called Quest: 8 Million Stories

    A Tribe Called Quest: Hot 4U

    Tupac Shakur f / Ray Tyson: A Day In The Life

    Urge: MidgetBasketball

    The Vandals: My First Xmas, As A Woman

    Wu Tang Clan: For Heaven's Sake

    Judd Wynonna: Girls With Guitars

    WWF: Wreck (Mankind Theme)

    Xzibit: Alkaholic

    Young MC: Principal's Office

    Young Stef f / Lil' Bow Wow: Can I Holla

    Youngstown: It's Not What You Think

    Roy Zimmerman: Michael, Row Your Boat Ashore

    ZZ Top: Woke Up With Wood

    Jeśli pomogłem licze na +!!! Przeglądaj resztę wypowiedzi z tematu

    Temat: Amerykańskie firmy energetyczne wiedziały o moż...
    Amerykańskie firmy energetyczne wiedziały o moż...
    W Ameryce jak zwykle chodzi o kase. Podobnie bylo z 'kryzysem' w
    Kalifornii - po prostu monopol podniosl ceny i wycyckal ludzi z
    kasy. Tu natomiast byl taki system ze firmy ktore na przesyle
    energii zarabialy kase nie mialy zadnego interesu w podnoszeniu
    standardu laczy. W Ameryce tak czesto jest, ze mozna robic kase
    na wlasnosci panstwa (ropa, gaz, drewno - moga eksploatowac
    narodowe lasy i parki!) a jak jest problem to sie wyciaga reke po
    kase podatnikow, "dla dobra gospodarki".

    Dla bogatych - komunizm, dla biednych twardy kapitalizm. I tak to
    sie kreci.

    Polecam art. w NYT ekonomisty z MIT Paula Krugmana:

    The Road to Ruin


    We still don't know what started the chain reaction on Thursday.
    Whatever the initial cause, however, the current guess is that a
    local event turned into an epic blackout because the transmission
    network has been neglected. That is, the power industry hasn't
    spent enough on the control systems and safeguards that are
    supposed to prevent such things.

    And the cause of that neglect is faith-based deregulation.

    In the past, electric power was considered a natural monopoly. It
    was and is impractical to have companies competing either to wire
    up homes and businesses, or to build long-distance transmission
    lines. Because effective competition was impossible, power
    companies were given local monopolies, and regulated to keep them
    from exploiting customers.

    These regulated monopolies took responsibility for the whole
    system - transmission and distribution as well as generation.
    Then came the deregulation movement. It argued that a competitive
    market could be created in power generation (though not in
    transmission and distribution), and in much of the country
    utilities were forced to sell off their power plants.

    In fact, effective competition has been elusive even in power
    generation. In California, deregulation led to one of history's
    great policy disasters: energy companies drove up prices by
    creating artificial shortages. This plunged the state into a
    crisis that ended only after much of its electricity supply was
    locked up in long-term contracts, and price controls were imposed
    on the rest.

    Incidentally, there seems to be a weird reluctance to face up to
    what happened in California. Since the blackout, I've seen
    national news reports attributing California's woes in part to
    environmental restrictions, while ignoring the role of market
    manipulation. Huh? There's no evidence that environmental
    restrictions played any role; meanwhile, even the Federal Energy
    Regulatory Commission, which strongly backs deregulation, has
    concluded that market manipulation played a major role. What's
    with the revisionist history?

    Anyway, market manipulation aside, energy experts have long
    warned that deregulation would lead to neglect of the grid. Under
    the old regulatory system, power companies had strong incentives
    to ensure the integrity of power transmission - they would catch
    the flak if something went wrong. But those incentives went away
    with deregulation: because effective competition in transmission
    wasn't possible, the companies providing transmission still had
    to be regulated. But because regulation limited their profits,
    they had little financial incentive to invest in maintaining and
    upgrading the system. And because of deregulation elsewhere,
    responsibility was diffused: nobody had a strong stake in keeping
    the system reliable. The result was a failure not just to add
    capacity, but to maintain and upgrade capacity that already

    These experts didn't necessarily oppose deregulation; their point
    was that deregulation could lead to disaster unless accompanied
    by policies not just to keep the grid reliable, but to expand it.
    (To make competition possible, a deregulated system needs
    considerably more transmission capacity than one based on
    regulated monopolies.) But their warnings weren't taken
    seriously; politicians and deregulation enthusiasts simply had
    faith that somehow "the market" would take care of the

    Four years ago, Paul Joskow of M.I.T. told FERC: "Proceeding on
    the assumption that, at the present time, `the market' will
    provide needed network transmission enhancements is the road to
    ruin." And so it was.

    Have we learned our lesson? Early indications are not promising.
    President Bush now says that "our grid needs to be modernized . .
    . and I've said so all along." But two years ago Tom DeLay
    blocked a modest Democratic plan for loan guarantees for system
    upgrades, calling it "pure demagoguery." And press reports say
    that despite the blackout, the administration will bow to
    pressure from Senate Republicans and put on ice the only part of
    its energy plan that had any relevance to the blackout, a FERC
    proposal for expanded oversight of the transmission system.

    This nation needs to invest billions in its power grid, yet given
    recent history, it's crucial that this investment not be simply
    another occasion for energy-industry profiteering. Somehow, I'm
    not optimistic.
    Przeglądaj resztę wypowiedzi z tematu

    Temat: Irak - o czym media nie informują
    Irak - o czym media nie informują
    Irak – o czym nie mówia media

    Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 9:33 PM
    Subject: Iraq: the real story


    It has been a while since I have written to my friends at First Lutheran
    Church about what's really going on here in Iraq. The news you watch on TV is
    exaggerated, sensationalized and selective. Good news doesn't sell.

    The stuff you don't hear about? Let's start with Electrical Power production
    in Iraq. The day after the war was declared over, there was nearly 0 power
    being generated in Iraq. 45 days later, in a partnership between the Army,
    the Iraqi people and some private companies, there are now 3200 mega watts
    (Mw) of power being produced daily, 1/3 of the total national potential of
    8000 Mw. Downed power lines (big stuff, 400 Kilovolt (Kv) and 132 Kv) are
    being repaired and are about 70% complete.

    Then there is water purification. In central Iraq between Baghdad and Mosul,
    home of the 4th Infantry Division, Water treatment was spotty at best. The
    facilities existed, but the controls were never implemented.
    Simple chemicals like Chlorine for purification and Alum (Aluminum Sulfate)
    for sediment settling (The Tigris River is about as clear as the Mississippi
    River) were in short supply or not used at all and when chlorine was used, it
    was metered by the scientific method of guessing. So some people got pool
    water and some people got water with lots of little things moving in it. We
    are slowly but surely solving that. Contracts for repairs to facilities that
    are only 50% or less operational are being let, chemicals are being
    delivered, although we don't have the metering problem solved yet (It's only
    been 45 days).
    How about oil and fuel? Well the war was all about oil wasn't it? You bet it
    was. It was all about oil for the Iraqi people because they have no other
    income, they produce nothing else. Oil is 95% of the Iraqi GNP.
    For this nation to survive, it must sell oil. The Refinery at Bayji is at 75%
    of capacity producing gasoline. The crude pipeline between Kirkuk (Oil
    Central) and Bayji will be repaired by tomorrow (2 June). LPG, what all
    Iraqis use to cook and heat with, is at 103% of normal production and we, the
    US ARMY, at least 4th ID, are insuring it is being distributed
    fairly to all Iraqis. You have to remember that 3 months ago, all these
    things were used as weapons against the population to keep them in line. If a
    town misbehaved, gasoline shipments, LPG pipelines and trucks stopped, water
    was turned off, power was turned off.

    Now, until exports start, every drop of gasoline produced goes to the Iraqi
    people, crude oil is being stored, the country is at 75% capacity now, they
    need to export or stop pumping soon, thank the UN for the delay.
    All LPG goes to the Iraqi people everywhere. Water is being purified as best
    they can, but at least it's running all the time to everyone.
    Are we still getting shot at? Yep. Are American Soldiers still dying? Yep,
    about 1 a day from the 4th ID, most in accidents, but dead is dead.

    If we are doing all this for the Iraqis, why are they shooting at us? The
    general population isn't. There are still bad guys, who won't let go of the
    old regime. They are Ba'ath party members (Read Nazi Party, but not as nice)
    who know nothing but the regime. They were thugs for the regime that caused
    many to disappear in the night and they have no other skills. At least the
    Nazis had jobs they could go back to after the war as plumbers, managers,
    engineers, etc...these people have no skills but terror. They are simply
    applying their skills....and we are applying ours. There is no Christian way
    to say they must be eliminated and we are doing so with all the efficiency we
    can muster. Our troops are shot at literally every day by small arms and
    RPGs. We respond and 100% of the time, the Ba'ath party guys come out with
    the short end of the stick. The most amazing thing to me is that they don't
    realize that if they stopped shooting at us, we would focus on fixing things
    and leave.

    The more they shoot at us, the longer we will stay. Lastly, realize that 90%
    the damage you see on TV was caused by Iraqis, not the war. Sure we took out
    a few bridges from military necessity, we took out a few power and phone
    lines to disrupt communications, sure we drilled a few palaces and government
    headquarters buildings with 2000lb laser guided bombs (I work 100 yards from
    where two hit the Tikrit Palace); he had plenty to spare. But, any damage you
    see to schools, hospitals, power generation facilities, refineries,
    pipelines, was all
    > > caused either by the Iraqi Army in its death throes or Iraqi civilians
    looting the places. Could the army have prevented it? Nope. We can and do
    now, but 45 days ago the average soldier was lucky to know what town he was
    in much less know who owned what or have the power to stop 1,000 people from
    looting a building by himself.
    The United States and Britian are doing a very noble thing here. We stuck our
    necks out on the world chopping block to free a people. I've already talked
    the weapons of mass destruction thing to death, bottom line, who cares, this
    country was one big conventional weapons ammo dump anyway. We have probably
    destroyed more weapons and ammo in the last 30 days than
    the US Army has ever fired in the last 30 years (Remember, this is a country
    the size of Texas.), so drop the WMD argument as the reason we came here; if
    we find it great, if we don't, so what?
    I'm living in a "guest palace" on a 500 acre compound with 20 palaces with
    like facilities built in half a dozen towns all over Iraq that were built for
    one man. Drive down the street and out into the countryside 5 miles away (I
    have) and see a family of 10 living in a mud hut herding two dozen sheep.
    Then tell me why you think we are here.
    ERIC RYDBOM MAJ, ENGINEER Deputy Division Engineer
    4th Infantry Division

    Please forward this to as many as you can. If our news media won't print the
    truth then maybe we can do their job and get the news out thru email.
    Let the people of the U.S. and the world know just what our men and woman are
    doing in Iraq. I couldn't live like those people do and I don't think 98% of
    the people in the US could either.

    Przeglądaj resztę wypowiedzi z tematu

    Temat: Za miesiąc wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego
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    Temat: O. Rydzyk: Zobaczcie, jak jednoczymy Polaków
    Nie okradaj Polski
    dla rozwscieczonego pillera i jemu podobnych wypowiedz specjalisty :
    Prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Henryk Kozłowski
    Sięgajmy po geotermię

    Ze zgrozą i niedowierzaniem przeczytałem artykuł pt. "Rydzyk: ojciec geolog"
    Bogumiła Łozińskiego oraz Anny Wojciechowskiej, opublikowany w "Dzienniku" z
    3-4.11.2007 roku. Do przedstawionej poniżej mojej opinii na temat tej kolejnej
    prowokacji (liczba podobnych sięga według naszego rozeznania w Krakowie
    kilkunastu tysięcy) o znamionach typowego paszkwilu wymierzonego w Ojca
    Dyrektora Tadeusza Rydzyka i jego dzieła, które tak drażnią wszelkiej maści
    liberałów oraz mutantów postkomunistycznych, upoważniają mnie następujące przesłanki

    1. Jestem wspólnie z profesorem Jackiem Zimnym z AGH współautorem pierwszego
    projektu geologicznego oraz urbanistyczno-architektonicznego dla Torunia, który
    powstał pod kierunkiem twórcy Polskiej Szkoły Geotermalnej profesora Juliana
    Sokołowskiego na przełomie 2002 i 2003 roku (a więc wyciąganie wniosków o
    rzekomych zobowiązaniach PiS wobec Radia Maryja jest pierwszą zauważoną bzdurą).

    2. Projekt ten, uzupełniony o dokładną analizę warunków hydrogeologicznych, stał
    się podstawą dla otrzymanej koncesji na budowę pierwszej w Polsce
    Elektrociepłowni Geotermalnej. W tym przypadku Ojciec Dyrektor nie musiał
    studiować geologii, aby Fundacja Lux Veritatis dostała w drodze normalnego,
    dostępnego dla wszystkich starających się, konkursu dotację (obietnicę dotacji)
    tego przedsięwzięcia. Redaktorzy powyższego artykułu nie mają czasu na bieżące
    śledzenie innych informacji prasowych, więc wypada im przypomnieć, że z chwilą
    przejęcia przez PiS rządu koalicyjnego wysokość środków, z których korzystały
    poprzednie ekipy rządowe, nie przewyższała 3 ze 100 proc. finansów możliwych do
    zdobycia na podobne cele.

    3. Byliśmy w trzech kolejnych kadencjach sejmowych członkami parlamentarnego
    zespołu ekspertów ds. energetyki i wszystkie opcje partyjne były wielokrotnie
    zaznajomione przez nas o naszych olbrzymich zasobach energii geotermalnej, które
    są trzykrotnie większe niż u naszych zachodnich sąsiadów i wynoszą 625 tysięcy
    PJ (jedna jednostka PJ odpowiada energii zawartej w mniej więcej 23 tys. ton
    ropy), co oznacza, że energia tych zasobów przewyższa ponad 150 razy nasze
    roczne zapotrzebowanie na energię i do tego jest energia "czystą", a jej zasoby
    są odnawialne. Tendencyjne opinie kilku przedstawicieli PO, wynikające z ich
    niewiedzy, niekoniecznie muszą więc stanowić politykę całej opcji PO w tej sprawie.

    4. Rury okładzinowe wykonane ze wzmocnionego włókna szklanego zostały już
    zastosowane w ciepłowniach geotermalnych we Francji, Japonii, Niemczech i
    Austrii. W naszym kraju wody geotermalne w większości przypadków mają charakter
    klasycznych wód balneologicznych. To, co jest dobre dla balneologii,
    niekoniecznie musi być odpowiednie dla rur stalowych, które mogą po prostu
    korodować. Dominującą zaletą rur z włókien szklanych, które są utwardzone
    termicznie żywicami epoksydowymi, jest to, że są całkowicie odporne na korozję.
    Kolejną zaletą tego materiału w porównaniu do stali jest jego bardzo niska waga,
    a co za tym idzie łatwość w obsłudze technologicznej i montażu. Ponadto dzięki
    wyjątkowej gładkości rury wykonane z GRE (Glassfiber Reinforced Epoxy) mają dużo
    niższe opory przepływu w porównaniu do rur stalowych.

    5. W Polsce szczególnie istotnym zagadnieniem związanym z wykorzystaniem wód
    geotermalnych jest ich - obok wspomnianej mineralizacji - wysokie zasolenie.
    Mineralizacja wód na niżu polskim na głębokościach, z których można eksploatować
    wody termalne o temperaturze 80-95, a nawet około 100 stopni C, wynosi od 100 do
    250 g/l.
    Tak wysoko "zmineralizowane" wody geotermalne wymagają ponownego zatłaczania do
    złoża po uprzednim odebraniu od nich energii cieplnej, którą pragniemy
    wykorzystać w tzw. systemie binarnym również do produkcji energii elektrycznej,
    obok ciepła użytkowego. Wysoka mineralizacja, jak już wspominano, powoduje w
    przypadku stosowania rur stalowych ich szybką korozję, nawet w przypadku
    minimalnej nieszczelności układu geotermalnego. Produkty korozji powstające w
    układzie geotermalnym są następnie w sposób ciągły wtłaczane do złoża wody
    geotermalnej przez otwór chłonny, powodując jego zanieczyszczenie, a nawet w
    efekcie końcowym jego "zakolmatowanie".

    6. Dlaczego sięgamy do głębokości 3 tysięcy metrów: bo spodziewamy się na tej
    głębokości odpowiedniego poziomu temperatur, który pozwoli - obok uzyskiwania
    ciepła - na produkcję energii elektrycznej (wartość energii elektrycznej
    "czystej" na poziomie 2 MW w skali roku to przecież 7 mln PLN). Na tym poziomie
    występuje wapień muszlowy, który jest bardziej korzystny od liasu (piaskowca)
    występującego na płytszych głębokościach (piaskowiec dodatkowo, przy braku
    odpowiednich filtrów, może zanieczyszczać otwór chłonny).

    7. Nasi zachodni sąsiedzi, mimo posiadania zasobów na poziomie trzykrotnie
    mniejszym, aktualnie realizują program budowy 7 elektrociepłowni geotermalnych o
    mocy energii elektrycznej od 0,2 do 5,4 MW (St. Frick, Ch. Lohse, M.
    Kaltschmitt: "Environmental Impacts by a Geothermal Power Generation in
    Germany", Proceeding European Geothermal Congress 2007, Untehaching, Niemcy),
    przy kosztach w granicach od kilkunastu do kilkudziesięciu mln euro. Inwestycje
    te, przy pełnym odbiorze energii cieplnej i produkcji energii elektrycznej,
    zwracają się w ciągu 3-4 lat.
    Należy po tej krótkiej analizie zadać autorom publikacji z "Dziennika" pytanie:
    jaki cel im przyświecał, że nie mając odpowiedniego przygotowania, podejmują
    się, łamiąc wszelkie zasady etyki dziennikarskiej, pisarstwa w takim stylu?
    A może chodzi tu o coś innego, może chodzi o wstrzymanie koncepcji budowy
    energetyki opartej na zasobach odnawialnych? Może chodzi o zmuszenie nas do
    budowy energetyki nuklearnej?
    Przeglądaj resztę wypowiedzi z tematu

    Temat: Małe auto dla Kobiety za ok 18tys.
    {O aucie poniżej}

    Uderz w stół, a nożyce się odezwą.

    Parę ciekawych odnośników do sytuacji roponośnej.

    Ludzie często myślą, że skoro podaż ropy ciągle nie rozmija się aż tak drastycznie z popytem, to problemu nie ma, bo przecież nie ma braków. I dziwią się, skąd wzrosty cen. Zupełnie zapominają, że mogą przecież rosnąć koszty utrzymania tak wysokiej podaży.

    O tym się prawie w mediach nie mówi, wskazując tylko brudnym paluchem winnego w tajemniczych spekulantach (często funduszach emerytalnych, próbujących ratować swoje zasoby przez inflacją sięgającą realnie już nawet i 10%, tyle, że ukrywaną w zmanipulowanych wskaźnikach, z których usuwa się żywność, energie, domy... to, co drożeje).

    A tu proszę - indeks opisujący koszty wydobycia ropy:
    Widać jak na dłoni, co się dzieje.

    Tu na The Oil Drum pojawiło się dobre podsumowanie sytuacji globalnej, w jednym artykule: Arabia Saudyjka już jest wyciskana jak cytryna, ledwo zipiąc w swoim zwiększaniu produkcji, zużywają swoje szczątkowe "spare capacity".

    Jednocześnie, kluczowe kraje Europy, od bardzo dawna, mają na STAŁYM poziomie zużycie ropy, co na pierwszy rzut oka może być szokujące przy takim zwiększaniu się liczby aut:

    Jednak witz polega na tym, że po prostu nastąpiła u nas deindustralizacja, a to przemysł pożera ropy najwięcej. Większość energochłonnych procesów wyniosło się do Chin, które to z kolei paliw potrzebują coraz to więcej i więcej. A my się tylko u nich zadłużamy. Cudów nie ma.

    Co w Hiszpanii było, jak nastąpiło małe zaburzenie w dostawie paliw, już wklejałem:

    Ale, żeby nie było samych tylko złych wiadomości, warto dodać, że wysokie ceny paliw już uderzyły w ich konsumpcje. I ludzie zaczęli jeździć mniej, nie tylko Amerykanie: Jest nie niewątpliwie krok w dobrym kierunku.

    Szkoda, że nasz żałosny rząd ma wszystko w dupie, i z problemem postanowił walczyć USTAWĄ. I uważa, że przez kryzysem DŁUGOTERMINOWYM uratują nas rezerwy KRÓTKOTERMINOWE. Bez komentarza. Wyjechać z Polski:

    Jest też spory potencjał w uwolnieniu ropy zużywanej na ogrzewanie domostw: Tutaj bardzo łatwo przejść na węgiel. Jednak owo przejście jest kierunkiem BURNOUT , czyli intensyfikacją używania bardzo brudnego paliwa, za które później płaci się pogarszającym zdrowiem społeczeństwa.

    A co do auta... skoro już musi być kupione i nie da się bez niego, wobec wszystkiego, co powyżej, obejść, to zgadzam się z v-6, poprzedni Yaris byłby dobrą opcją[1][0]=2002&price_to=18000
    Doświadczenia bliskorodzinne dotyczą obecnego modelu, ale są bardzo dobre, w przeciwieństwie do Corsy B, którą Yaris zmienił.

    Zainteresuj się również:


    Albo jakąś maksymalnie gołą i słabą octavią:[1][0]=2001&price_to=18000

    W tej cenie i rocznikach można pewnie i nawet Focusa I kupić, ale wiadomo, im lepsze auto, tym wyższe przebiegi będą miały pasujące w kryteria egzemplarze:[1][0]=2002&a_text_i[1][1]=2002&price_to=18000

    Grunt, żeby auto miało 4 gwiazdki EuroNCAP:

    Przeglądaj resztę wypowiedzi z tematu

    Temat: Błędny kurs na atom
    Elektrownia atomowa-zagrożenia
    Zapraszam na stronę Inicjatywy Antynuklearnej
    Polecam też wypowiedź prof. Żmijewskiego na temat nieopłacalności budowy elektrowni jądrowej w Polsce,82244,5490764,Atomowy_kwiatek_do_kozucha.html

    Warto też sprawdzić linki, jest to odpowiedź na tezy lobby atomowego, że nie ma ryzyka awarii w elektrowni jądrowej.

    1. Białaczka u dzieci wokół niemieckich elektrowni jądrowych

    2. Zachorowania na raka i białaczkę wśród pracowników i ich dzieci

    3. Wycieki i ich skutki, technologie atomowe są bardzo skomplikowane i łatwiej w nich o usterkę. Dodatkowym zagrożeniem jest korozja radiacyjna-zmęczenie materiału wywołane promieniowaniem. Społeczeństwo dowiaduje się tylko o poważniejszych wyciekach:

    Francuskie elektrownie jądrowe (te, które będą budowane w Polsce) - ostatnie lata:
    Groźba wybuchu we francuskiej elektrowni jądrowej (2008):

    Mieszkańcy i turyści nie mogą łowić ryb ani pić wody ze studni z powodu wycieku 18.000 litrów wody z uranem do rzeki

    Kolejny wyciek we francuskiej elektrowni, to już 4 poważny wypadek w roku 2008

    Three Mile Island
    Pożar a następnie wyciek z japońskiej elektrowni

    wyciek w USA

    Wyciek ciężkiej wody w Korei

    Tysiące galonów radioaktywnej wody wyciekało przez nieznany czas z elektrowni w San Diego

    Awaria i wyciek w Vernon, jak zwykle nic się nie stało

    Mieszkańcy okolic elektrowni jądrowej protestują przeciw wyciekom

    Atak hakera i kradzież danych z elektrowni jądrowej, automatyczne urządzenia nie są odporne na zdalny atak

    Wyciek w Hiszpanii

    Wycieki, nieprawidłowości w działaniu w elektrowni Sellafield ukrywane przed społeczeństwem

    Wyciek w EJ w Hiszpanii, zauważony po długim czasieó_Nuclear_Power_Plant

    Trzęsienie ziemi i wyciek w Japonii Przeglądaj resztę wypowiedzi z tematu

    Temat: Job openings in Krakow for English translators
    Job openings in Krakow for English translators

    My name is Sam Pink. I`m a British national, and for the last six years I`ve
    been living in Paris, France and working for a technical communications and
    publications company as English Translation Project Manager and IT Manager.

    I have been asked by my company to move to Krakow in order to open and run a
    Polish subsidiary. I will be moving sometime in November 2005, and our
    objective is to have the new company trading as a limited liability company
    by January 1 2006.

    My company has a number of long-term, large-scale technical translation
    projects for which we are looking to recruit considerable numbers of capable,
    native English-speaking translators to salaried positions. We would like to
    do this both in France and in Poland.

    Given that the majority of our customers are French, the ability to tranlate
    from French as well as from Polish would be a distinct advantage, but we also
    expect to generate local business In Krakow with Polish customers, so we
    would still be interested in hearing from applicants who do not offer French
    as a working language.

    These are full-time salaried posts, and we can basicallty offer the right
    candidates immediate start dates. We would welcome applications from both
    experienced and first-time translators - good language skills and a real
    ability to write well in English are the key skills we are looking for.

    There are more detailed presentations of the different posts available
    tomorrow, as well as some background information on our company (Praetorius).

    Anyone interested can either send an application with CV to the contact
    details given in the vacancy descriptions below, or contact me directly at

    I would prefer you contact us directly by email, rather than simply replying
    to this thread (this will make the communication process much easier to

    Native English-speaking Technical Translators / Translation Project Manager

    The company

    Praetorius is a dynamic and growing intellectual services company located in
    Gif-sur-Yvette, in the Paris suburbs. Its key customers cover a wide range of
    sectors, including automobile manufacturing, motorsport, consumer
    electronics, metallurgy, industrial packaging, aeronautical engineering, IT
    hardware and software, power generation and supply, payment technology, and
    oilfield services. The company has twenty full-time personnel and annual
    revenues of nearly 2.5 million euro.

    We are currently expanding our staff of in-house translators and translation
    managers, and are seeking qualified candidates with the following profiles:

    Post 1 : French and/or Polish to English technical translator

    Working with a team of experienced translators, you will focus on
    translation, review and quality control of a diverse range of material,
    including technical documentation, user manuals and websites. You will also
    help prepare and maintain translation glossaries and translation memories.
    The work is varied and often fast-paced, in a friendly atmosphere.

    The successful candidate will be a team player, rigorous and customer-
    oriented, with an excellent command of French and a flair for writing in
    English. You should also be IT literate with good MS Office skills; knowledge
    of translation software is a plus.

    Full-time position based either in Paris (France) or in Krakow (Poland), to
    start immediately.
    Salary and benefits based on experience.

    Post 2 : Experienced French and/or Polish to English financial translator

    Working primarily with the financial division of one of our clients, you will
    work on a long-term project to translate a series of high-level financial
    quality and standards documents. This is an excellent opportunity for the
    right candidate to develop an overview of finance, purchasing and
    manufacturing terminology and procedures. Working in connection with our
    existing teams of experienced translators, you will focus on translation,
    review and quality control. You will also develop and maintain translation
    glossaries and translation memories.

    Professional experience in financial and technical translation is a must for
    this position. The successful candidate will be a team player, rigorous and
    customer-oriented, with an excellent command of French and a flair for
    writing in English. You should also be IT literate with good MS Office
    skills; knowledge of translation software is a plus.

    Full-time position based either in Paris (France) or in Krakow (Poland), to
    start immediately.
    Salary and benefits based on experience.

    Post 3 : Senior translator / Translation project manager

    Working as part of a tight-knit team of experienced translators, you will be
    involved in every aspect of the technical translation process, including
    client contact, preparation of timelines and cost estimates for client
    approval, budget management, assignment of translations, compilation and
    validation of glossaries and translation memories, problem-solving,
    translation, and proofreading. A significant amount of your time will be
    spent carrying out quality control on work produced by junior translator
    colleagues. You will also help in monitoring and training new translators, as
    well as coordinating collaboration with our external partner/supplier

    The successful candidate will have three to five years' experience as a
    technical translator and some experience as a translation project manager.
    You will be customer-focused, a team player, and have the ability to produce
    high-quality work under pressure. An excellent command of French, both spoken
    and written, and excellent writing ability in English are required;
    additional languages a plus. You must be IT literate with solid MS Office
    skills, with some knowledge of translation software. Additional IT skills
    (Microsoft networks, graphic design, page layout, document management, etc.)
    a plus.

    Full-time position based either in Paris (France) or in Krakow (Poland), to
    start immediately.
    Salary and benefits based on experience.

    Application procedure:

    Please send a CV and cover letter to

    Contact details for more information:

    Sam Pink
    Praetorius France SAS
    2, route de la Noue
    91196 Gif-sur-Yvette
    Tel: +33 1 64 86 58 43
    Fax: +33 1 64 86 18 19
    Mobile: +33 6 70 77 71 52
    Przeglądaj resztę wypowiedzi z tematu

    Temat: Cypr - Kagan - On wie lepiej
    Cypr - Kagan - On wie lepiej
    Toronto Star :

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    CNC Operator-Machinist (71) Marine Engineer (6)
    Chemical Engineer (30) MaterialsMetallurgical Engine (71)
    Civil Eng. Technologist (38) Mech. DesignerTechnologist (176)
    Civil Engineer (486) Mechanical Engineer (406)
    Controls Engineer (61) Millwright (228)
    Design Engineer (169) MiningMine Engineer (131)
    Design Engineer - Senior Positions (55) » Network System Engineer (188)
    Draftsperson (111) Nuclear Engineer (5)
    Drilling Engineer (3) Oil and Gas Engineer (12)
    Electrical Designer (135) Power Generation (322)
    Electrical Engineer (246) Process Engineer (252)
    Electrical Technologist (16) Product Engineer (45)
    Engineering Lead (32) Quality Control Engineer (101)
    Engineering Technician (29) Radio Frequency Engineer (16)
    Engineering Technologist (52) Software Engineer (66)
    Environmental Engineer (121) Stationary Engineer (64)
    Estimator (195) Structural Engineer (196)
    Fitter (52) Systems Engineer (114)
    Geological Engineer (91) Test Engineer (38)
    HVAC Opportunities (369) Tool Engineer (6)
    » Human Factors Engineer (3) Welding Engineer (18)

    FastTrack » Engineering » Civil Engineering
    Building and Bridges Engineer (72) MiningMine Engineer (59)
    Civil Engineer (JuniorSenior) (55) Municipal Engineer (48)
    Civil Engineer - Other (119) Project Manager, Civil Engineer (90)
    Civil Engineering Technologist (38) Railway Engineer (5)
    Construction Engineer (40) Structural Engineer (196)
    Environmental Engineer (121) SupervisorManager, Civil Engineering (89)
    Geological Engineer (91) Surveying Engineer (1)
    Highway Urban Road System Engineer (26) Transportation Engineer (72)
    Hydraulic Engineer (20) Water Management Engineer (61)

    FastTrack » Engineering » Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Applications Engineer (54) Electrical and Electronics Engineer (173)
    Controls Engineer (61) » Firmware Engineer (11)
    Electrical Designer (135) Instrumentation Engineer (38)
    Electrical Engineer, Lead (17) Instrumentation Technician (22)
    Electrical Engineering, Manager (61) Software Engineer (52)
    Electrical Field Engineer (4) Systems Engineer (114)
    Electrical Technologist (16)

    FastTrack » Engineering » Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
    Industrial Designer (24) Manufacturing Engineer (99)
    Industrial Engineer (38) Welding Engineer (18)

    FastTrack » Engineering » HVAC Specialists
    Account Representative, HVAC (2) HVAC SpecialistTechnician (32)
    Building Operator (17) HVAC SupervisorLeader (10)
    CAD Drafter (119) Operations Manager (12)
    HVAC Designer (21) Piping Designers (170)
    HVAC Engineer (13) Sales, HVAC Division (14)

    FastTrack » Engineering » Managerial Opportunities
    Account Manager (21) Production Manager (82)
    Bilingual Manager (5) Project Manager (198)
    Construction Project Manager (43) Project Manager - Civil Engineering
    Contracts Manager (16) Quality Assurance Manager (5)
    Director (66) Sales Manager (18)
    Engineering Manager (183) Senior Project Manager (35)
    General Manager (15) Team Leader (35)
    Maintenance SupervisorManager (33) TechnicalTechnical Services Manager
    Manufacturing Manager (22) TerritoryRegional Manager (12)
    Product Manager (43)

    FastTrack » Engineering » Mechanical Engineer
    Automation Engineer (11) Mechanical Quality Engineer (4)
    Automotive Engineer (11) Nuclear Engineer (5)
    Component Engineer (9) Piping Engineer (71)
    Continuous Improvement Engineer (4) Process Engineer (33)
    Engineering Manager, Mechanical Design (23) Senior Mechanical Engineer
    Manufacturing Engineer, Mechanical Engineering (87) Technical Consultant,
    Mechanical Engineering (61)
    Mechanical Designer (176) Tool Engineer (6)
    Mechanical Engineer (148)

    FastTrack » Engineering » Millwright
    CertifiedLicensed Millwright (18) Maintenance Millwright (28)
    Electrician (138) Maintenance Supervisor (156)
    Industrial Millwright (13) Maintenance Technician (47)
    Machine Operator (120) Millwright (81)

    FastTrack » Engineering » Process Engineer
    Automotive Process Engineer (4) Process Engineer (155)
    Chemical Process Engineer (20) Quality Process Engineer (45)
    Manufacturing Process Engineer (9) Refinery Process Engineer (3)
    Mechanical Process Engineer (6) Research and Development Process Engineer
    Pharmaceutical Process Engineer (2) SeniorLead Process Engineer (67)
    Power Engineer (61) Systems Process (design) Engineer (6)

    FastTrack » Engineering » Other
    Architect (108) Estimator (154)
    CNC Operator - Machinist (71) Fitter (52)
    Draftsperson (111) Journeyman (51)

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